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词汇 discontented
例句 Farmers are discontented with low prices.农民对低廉的价格感到不满。People were discontented with the steep rise in prices.人们对物价飞涨不满。She's been feeling discontented with life in general.大体上讲,她对生活一直感到不满。The splinter group rapidly gained support from discontented members.分裂出去的这个派别很快得到成员中不满者的支持。She is discontented with her dull life.她对枯燥的生活牢骚满腹。Farmers were discontented with economic reforms that did not improve their businesses.农民们对经济改革不满,它并没有改善他们的经营。There were discontented murmurs from the people in the hall.大厅里传来人们不满的嗡嗡议论声。Inflation discontented the people.通货膨胀使人民不满。She became increasingly discontented with her work.她对自己的工作越来越不满了。The government tried to appease discontented workers.政府试图安抚不满的工人们。




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