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词汇 undesirable
例句 The incident could have undesirable consequences for the government.这事件可能会给政府带来不良后果。Houses near industrial sites often do not sell so quickly because they are regarded as undesirable.工厂附近的房子销路不是很好,因为人们认为那里的环境不理想。The drug has some undesirable side effects.这种药物有些不良副作用。Inflation is considered to be undesirable because of its adverse effects on income distribution.通货膨胀被认为是有害的,因为它会对收入分配产生不利影响。Why is he mixing with socially undesirable types?他为什么与一些不三不四的人混在一起?Environmentalists claim that the development will have undesirable effects on animal habitats in the area.环境主义者称,开发会对该地区动物的栖息地造成不良影响。Certain estates are labelled as undesirable.某些地产被归为不受欢迎之列。The drug may have other undesirable effects.这种药可能会有其他不良作用。He called at a most undesirable moment.他在最不适宜的时刻来访。It is clearly undesirable for the issue to be ignored.这个问题显然不容忽视。It was felt that big cars were socially and economically undesirable.人们发现从社会和经济两方面考虑大轿车不值得购买。A large group of undesirable strangers crashed her party.一大群不受欢迎的陌生人不请自来,搅了她的聚会。The drug is effective, but has undesirable side effects, and long-term use can result in liver damage.这种药很有效,但是有不良副作用,长期服用会损害肝脏。I hope you don't think I'm casting aspersions, but you've invited some undesirable people along tonight.可不要以为我是在说别人坏话,不过我确实觉得你今晚请了一些不受欢迎的人来。The drug has undesirable side effects.此药有不良的副作用。Big cuts in education are very undesirable.教育经费的大幅度削减是极不受欢迎的。The main aim of inbreeding is to standardise, to fix desirable inherited characteristics and to dispel undesirable ones.同系交配的主要目的就是实现标准化,保持理想的遗传特性,并消除不良的特性。Frankly, it's an undesirable and unpleasant job.坦白讲,这是一份不值得做并且令人讨厌的工作。They sent their daughters on world trips to get them away from undesirable lovers.他们把女儿们打发去周游世界,以使她们与不中意的情人脱离。This may have undesirable consequences.这可能会带来不良后果。The drug can have undesirable side effects.这药会有不良的副作用。




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